Wednesday, May 26, 2010

We need Change Now!

It's 3:00 a.m. in the morning and I hear the beeping of a vehicle outside my home, I look out the window and to my dismay it is the Corner, as I wait to see what is going on, they take a stretcher out and carry it up the stairs to my neighbor's home. I am like what, and as I stand there after a few minutes they carry out a body in a body bag it's like I am viewing a Movie nevertheless its a site outside my house, one I have never ever scene before!

When the sun comes up I wonder who it was they carried out of the house, as they had the person in a body bag and I could not tell. Later I find out who it was, it was the Man living in the home with his girl friend and six other people. I remember him as the one that was told by his live-in girl friend to not come home messed up. Later I found out what she meant. He would pass away in her home of a heroin over dose he was a IV drug user and he shot up for the last time in that house.

As time went by it was revealed the house is a project based section eight house.
Which I somewhat new due to all the issues there, such as dirty side walks, trash in-front of the home, uncut grass and the law breaking, one time I remember the US Marshall's surrounding the home. Yet,this house is similar to many homes today in America as

this has become the picture all over the US. Many times perfectly good neighborhoods have been destroyed by section eight and Public Housing where drug dealing drug abuse and crime are an everyday occurrence. Today quality neighborhood's have become places that the value has been stripped away, a home that could have sold for over $100,000 is now worth $3,000 because of the section eight homes that are spluttered in the neighborhood so now the hood is not in the Cities but suburbia. And it is spreading to even the Country.

With the economy now in the tank homes have become the biggest asset. Yet, this program is threatening that and needs to be changed or even stopped. The article from The magazine is golden and a must read

for anyone that does not believe that the section eight program does not need changing.
Sadly many people are afraid to work towards change for fear of being called a raciest. But this program is not just about one group, moreover this program hurts the poor badly and threatens their quality of life. It is no secret, that drug dealers set up shop by or in such neighborhoods, due to the residents only having to pay 25% of their income there is a lot of extra money for drugs and therefore the drug lords grow rich and fight to keep their territory with continuous shoot-outs gun fire ring's out from expensive A.k.a. 47's the weapon of choice. Sadly one problem with such housing is the way they are run, the Federal government needs to bring more accountability to the ones paying the bills the American taxpayer.

Many times just as the home the body was carried out of, more then the tenant on the lease lives there, and their income goes unreported ripping of the taxpayers. As our deficit goes up the Federal Government pours money into Landlords that are getting rich from neighborhoods they and their children would never live in. But we do!
The section 8 program really rewards those who want to embrace failure. People that have issues that keep them from being able to rent or buy a home. This program is a drain on our taxes, if this program is done away with those on that program would have to pay taxes and contribute to the tax base. Therefore this will help lower the deficit we should never reward failure.

Our voices need to be heard. We need to send our legislators a message that we want change now. The taxpayer's are taken time and again as people live in these homes and there income is not counted. Tax cheating effects us all.

Help me in my efforts to take this message nationally via the radio, newspapers and TV to build huge support for this petition that will get our Reps attention. When you subscribe to my newsletter or get my book or DVD or signing up to receive text messages you will do just that.

Together we can take our neighborhoods back and the value of our homes and land and help reduce the deficit!

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